Our Values

Built on Trust

We are built on trust; parent’s trust is one of the highly valued asset for us. We are committed to develop and maintain trust in our preschool by providing safe and hygienic school environment, quality and innovation in our school programmes.

Children First

We always think of best interest of children in everything we do. Our preschool’s facility, equipment are setup considering children’s safety first.

Respect & Care

We value children for who they are, what they know, and what they bring each day. Children deserve to be honoured and heard, by which means we hope to support their development and self-confidence.
We respect our teachers and their own unique history, culture and knowledge.

Safety & Hygiene

Safety and hygiene are the core factors being considered while setting up our preschool facility and equipment.


We strive excellence in whatever we do. We are committed to deliver quality and innovation in our various programmes.